Welcome to My Blog which Follows the Progression of My Photography

Taken in the leaves of a park in November of 2013 - about 5 1/2 years after I delved into photography.

Taken in the leaves of a park in November of 2013 – about 5 1/2 years after I delved into photography.

I know it’s just a hunch, but I’ve always been pretty sure we were all pretty excited when we received our first camera. I fell in love with photography a lot later than most. The daily drain of being trapped in a job that engulfs me in stress… The dream of wanting to find a job I consider fun… Photography, on an amateur basis, provides me with the opportunity for a hobby. Most of us are born with at least a degree of fascination for the arts… Me more than others… Photography gives me an opportunity to feed my artistic needs.

The draw to photography for me is there are no hard rules. I’m not a big “rules” guy, so photography is more exciting to me then, say, math! Photography is about individualism… style and creativity. And that’s what makes it so interesting.

Digital photography opens a brand new world for the artistic. Even though I bought my first digital camera years earlier, I bought my Canon EOS Rebel in early 2008 and my world opened. I am the first to admit I made many mistakes and tried to learn from my mistakes.

Now that I’ve been dabbling with my hobby for about 6 years, I decided to create a blog to document my evolution and record my feelings and my frustrations and what I feel in my gut are my victories.

I took one photography class in high school but learned very little. Basically, it was in the nearly lost art of film photography… dark room and all that jazz. We read a lot about the history of photography and made our own “camera” out of coffee cans. Basically, I learned everything I know from scratch. I hope my lack of technical and formal education in photography has given my work a unique niche. You can judge for yourself as I intend to blog and post my work on my new blog. So please check my blog often. I don’t want to write for nothing and hope to inspire at least one person. Then, my work will be worth it.